Our Staff is Smart Tan Certified.
First Time Clients First Week of Sunshine Only $15.00 (local Residents only)
First Time Clients $5.00 off your first Sunshine Package (local Residents only)
Get your Sunshine Bronze On for as little as $26.99 Per Month
Free Skin Type Analysis
Remember: never ever burn! If you get too much UV whether indoors or out and you are pink the next morning you have actually broken blood vessels. This is where the color of sunburn comes from and this is what can cause damage to the skin. Burning actually slows down the tanning process.
Let your personal SUN consultant guide you to get the best color possible.
Four Levels of Sun Beds Including Mega & High Pressure
Single Sessions & Packages Available
Mystic Spray Tan & Air Brush Spray
Master Certified Air Brush Technician
Single Sessions & Packages Available
Guide for getting the best color ever:
Exfoliate each week, use a good quality sun lotion and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Dry skin reflects UV light. The more moist the skin the more it accepts UV light and the better results you get. AND remember never ever burn this actually slows down the bronzing process.